Thursday, August 14, 2008

Baby Drew

Baby Drew’s Mommy, Anne, contacted me when she was six months pregnant to do her maternity photos. Anne has two little girls and did not know the sex of her baby and wanted to be surprised but was hoping it would be a boy. Since Anne had her other two babies at full term, we scheduled her maternity shoot at the eight months. We were going to do her shoot at the beach during sunset. This would be my first maternity shoot at the beach, and I was really looking forward to it. I had everything planned out that Anne was going to wear white, and I even bought a white parasol but three days prior to our shoot, Anne went in to labor and had a baby boy!!! I was disappointed but happy for Anne. Here are two photographs from the newborn session of Baby Drew. I particularly like these two photographs. For me they evoke the strong bond between Mother and her baby. It is a very touching and tender.
